Teaching as a New Career

Female, African American, young adult holding folder and smiling.

Are you in a job now but you’ve always dreamed about becoming a teacher? Are you a paraprofessional who feels they are ready to become a teacher? Does a traditional 4-year program not fit your current lifestyle? Then we have some good news! Delaware offers options if you are looking for an educator preparation program, or are thinking about teaching.

Which program is right for you?

Delaware currently offers multiple alternative pathways for aspiring educators to obtain a teaching license and certification.  These pathway allows you to work full-time as a teacher while working towards certification.  Each alternate route allows prospective educators from all backgrounds, degrees, and levels of experience to pursue their career goals while also taking advantage of valuable opportunities to develop professionally.

You can learn more at the Department of Education Licensure and Certification Alternate Routes to Certification (ARTC) page.

You can find a list of all programs and providers on the Teacher Preparation Programs page on the Department of Education website.

Not sure if teaching is right for you?

There are many ways you can gain experience in schools before you make your decision!